2018年10月8日 星期一

How do I open existing Eclipse project in Android Studio?

At first open Android Studio, it will show main screen as below:

1- Click on import project (Eclipse ADT, Gradle, etc.).

2- Choose the root folder of your project. The folder that contains bin folder.

3- Choose where you want to import it and click next.
4- Click on finish.
5-Going to project  screen



Active Cooler/Warner system with thermoelectric cooler

Cooler 系統包括了 DC/DC Converter, 與主機通界面 , 感测線路 , 風量葉片 ,DC Motor 等 , 控制器感测線路的回饋資料供 PID 運算出最佳控制模式。在系統軟件架構上主要包括四種類型的軟體規劃,分別是資料庫系統 (Database) 、 ...