2021年12月5日 星期日
2021年8月2日 星期一
2021年8月1日 星期日
全球最熱門的 6 大免費網頁製作平台
全球最熱門的 6 大免費網頁製作平台 :
2020年12月30日 星期三
Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets
今天細說一下什麼何謂GAN、在此不得不提這號人物、楊立昆、他說了GAN是未來10年耶最好玩的事情、其原文如下:“The most interesting idea in the last 10 years in Machine Learning"。GAN有兩個主件組合而成:分別是生成器(Generato)r和鑑別器(Discriminator)
讓我想起一部有名的電影、其中文名叫神鬼交鋒是一部於2002年上映的美國傳記犯罪電影、為史蒂芬·史匹柏執導、傑夫·納桑森編劇、李奧納多·狄卡皮歐、湯姆·漢克斯、克里斯多福·沃肯及馬丁·辛主演。劇情根據1960年代著名詐欺犯法蘭克·威廉·艾巴內爾二世的同名自傳改編少年詐欺犯法蘭克·艾巴內爾(Frank Abagnale,李奧納多·狄卡皮歐飾)在1963年至1967年間,以多種不同方式共騙得400萬美元。他在中學時曾冒充代課老師上法語課、成功瞞騙同學和校方一週。當時法蘭克的家庭陷入破產危機、並遭國稅局「追殺」。法蘭克為了挽救家庭、鋌而走險、先後扮民航機飛行員、醫生、律師、又利用支票系統的漏洞偽造多張支票並成功入帳。
上面的模型圖是一個最基本的GAN的方塊圖、可以看出GAN中有二個Neural Network需要去Training、接下來我就來介紹Discriminator跟Generator這二個神經網路應該要怎麼去訓練。
Discriminator (鑑別器)
鑑別器網路簡單一點說明的就是、是一個Neural Network可以分辨偽造出來的圖跟真實的圖沒錯,就是很直觀的,我們把Generator出來的圖標記為0(fake image),然後把真實的圖標記為1,這樣的training data 丟進我們的Discriminator Network做訓練,這就是每一次Discriminator訓練的步驟了,接下來我們來看Generator怎麼做,然後再把二個連結再一起。
Generator Network (生成器網路)
生成器網路的概念也很簡單,就是要訓練出一個Neural Network可以讓Discriminator分辨出來的結果越接近真實(1)的結果越好,我畫了以下的圖來理解生成器網路的訓練方式。

沒錯,就是很直觀的,我們把Generator出來的圖標記為0(fake image),然後把真實的圖標記為1,這樣的training data 丟進我們的Discriminator Network做訓練,這就是每一次Discriminator訓練的步驟了,接下來我們來看Generator怎麼做,然後再把二個連結再一起。
Generator Network (生成器網路)

生成器網路的概念也很簡單,就是要訓練出一個Neural Network可以讓Discriminator分辨出來的結果越接近真實(1)的結果越好,我畫了以下的圖來理解生成器網路的訓練方式。
2020年10月12日 星期一
M5Stack產品的核心是Core Module、這個Module內由ESP32擔任主控晶片。Core的底部可以彈性換裝不同的Module、例如無線通訊模組、電池模組等,Module能夠以一個Core為基礎進行複數疊放連接、Core也可向外連接不同的Unit積木、Unit即為各種感測器或致動器、如加速度感測器、震動馬達等。
單擊“ Windows Installer、用於Windows XP及更高版本”下載Arduino IDE
打開Arduino IDE、然後導航到File-> Preferences->Settings
添加ESP32板管理器 URL:https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json
將此鏈接用於ESP32板管理器URL複製到其他板管理器URL ESP32板管理器
Tools -> Board: -> Boards Manager...
在Boards Manager窗口中搜索ESP32、找到它並單擊Install。
打開Arduino IDE、然後選擇Sketch-> Include Library-> Manage Libraries ...
這是M5stack核心開發套件。它是一個具有內置有用硬件的漂亮開發模塊、可以使用Arduino Ide進行編程。
#include <M5Stack.h>
// the setup routine runs once when M5Stack
starts up
void setup(){
Initialize the M5Stack object
Power chip connected to gpio21, gpio22, I2C device
Set battery charging voltage and current
If used battery, please call this function in your project
M5.Lcd.setTextColor(GREEN, BLACK);
// LCD display
M5.Lcd.print("Hello World");
void loop() {
![]() |
新增說明文字 |
2020年4月16日 星期四
Source code with Python:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import ga
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
The y=target is to maximize this equation ASAP:
y = w1x1+w2x2+w3x3+w4x4+w5x5+6wx6+7Wx7+8Wx7+9Wx9
where (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9)=(4,-2,3.5,5,-11,-4.7,5.0,2.1,3.1)
What are the best values for the 9 weights w1 to w9?
We are going to use the genetic algorithm for the best possible values after a number of generations.
# Inputs of the equation.
equation_inputs = [4,-2,3.5,5,-11,-4.7,5.0,2.1,3.1]
# Number of the weights we are looking to optimize.
num_weights = len(equation_inputs)
Genetic algorithm parameters:
Mating pool size
Population size
sol_per_pop = 8
num_parents_mating = 4
# Defining the population size.
pop_size = (sol_per_pop,num_weights) # The population will have sol_per_pop chromosome where each chromosome has num_weights genes.
#Creating the initial population.
new_population = np.random.uniform(low=-4.0, high=4.0, size=pop_size)
new_population[0,:]=[[ 2.58108145 2.42053643 -3.24720098 0.73414778 2.95861561 -3.95613747
2.34638506 -1.96226993 -2.4267999 ]
new_population[1,:]= [ 0.50988501 3.66384758 -0.35728906 -3.36106177 0.60748192 0.34572714
0.63256316 3.59916985 0.5291632 ]
new_population[2,:]= [-3.99726266 -1.05382206 -0.72618039 -0.69354415 3.6819675 1.42235044
3.21944868 0.56545786 -2.53333267]
new_population[3,:]= [-2.01602033 3.21295543 0.1898793 -2.6094637 1.9595066 -2.04175245
-0.63172776 -1.84656932 -3.39214779]
new_population[4,:]= [-1.65667992 -3.61456147 -2.08880869 0.51076383 0.06322565 -0.43551276
-3.4748497 -2.61883376 2.93387284]
new_population[5,:]= [ 3.06194594 -1.81691236 -3.5244207 3.7688676 -0.78804301 1.7642483
-1.63477098 2.0739781 -3.88904675]
new_population[6,:]= [-0.7733979 -0.59532673 0.22656214 -1.53837445 -1.72333473 -1.32000815
1.8188883 -0.8669669 -1.29803437]
new_population[7,:]= [-3.52687898 -3.91602606 2.07969841 -2.29166193 0.58104485 0.79150089
-3.13136887 -0.04240155 2.80654781]]
best_outputs = []
num_generations = 10
for generation in range(num_generations):
print("Generation : ", generation)
# Measuring the fitness of each chromosome in the population.
fitness = ga.cal_pop_fitness(equation_inputs, new_population)
best_outputs.append(np.max(numpy.sum(new_population*equation_inputs, axis=1)))
# The best result in the current iteration.
print("Best result : ", np.max(np.sum(new_population*equation_inputs, axis=1)))
# Selecting the best parents in the population for mating.
parents = ga.select_mating_pool(new_population, fitness,
# Generating next generation using crossover.
offspring_crossover = ga.crossover(parents,
offspring_size=(pop_size[0]-parents.shape[0], num_weights))
# Adding some variations to the offspring using mutation.
offspring_mutation = ga.mutation(offspring_crossover, num_mutations=2)
# Creating the new population based on the parents and offspring.
new_population[0:parents.shape[0], :] = parents
new_population[parents.shape[0]:, :] = offspring_mutation
# Getting the best solution after iterating finishing all generations.
#At first, the fitness is calculated for each solution in the final generation.
fitness = ga.cal_pop_fitness(equation_inputs, new_population)
# Then return the index of that solution corresponding to the best fitness.
best_match_idx = np.where(fitness == np.max(fitness))
print("Best solution : ", new_population[best_match_idx, :])
print("Best solution fitness : ", fitness[best_match_idx])
2020年4月15日 星期三
Route Planning With Genetic Algorithm
Since we are given each location’s coordinates, let’s calculate the Manhattan distances between each pair of points and count the longitude and latitude differences to get a sense of direction . We can clean up timestamps a little and keep the original features which might look useless to us at first glance.
Locs : Traveler to go cities list (note that locs is a list containing Location objects)
Level: number of evolution
Population : refers to a group consisting of several different paths
Variant : it is as the degree of variation between parents and children
Mutate_percent: refers to percentage of a path is mutated
Elite_save_percent : The shortest path is regarded as the elite path (0.1 = 10% here)
At first, to define the location:
locations = []
#longitude and latitude
xs = [8, 50, 18, 35, 90, 40, 84, 74, 34, 40, 60, 74]
ys = [3, 62, 0, 25, 89, 71, 7, 29, 45, 65, 69, 47]
cities = ['Z', 'P', 'A', 'K', 'O', 'Y', 'N', 'X', 'G', 'Q', 'S', 'J']
for x, y, name in zip(xs, ys, cities):
locations.append(Location(name, x, y))
my_locs= locations
Source code with Python as below:
import random as rd
import copy
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
class Location:
def __init__(self, name, x, y):
self.name = name
self.loc = (x, y)
def distance_between(self, location2):
assert isinstance(location2, Location)
return ((self.loc[0] - location2.loc[0]) ** 2 + (self.loc[1] - location2.loc[1]) ** 2) ** (1 / 2)
class Route:
def __init__(self, path):
# path is a list of Location obj
self.path = path
self.length = self._set_length()
def _set_length(self):
total_length = 0
path_copy = self.path[:]
from_here = path_copy.pop(0)
init_node = copy.deepcopy(from_here)
while path_copy:
to_there = path_copy.pop(0)
total_length += to_there.distance_between(from_here)
from_here = copy.deepcopy(to_there)
total_length += from_here.distance_between(init_node)
return total_length
class GeneticAlgo:
def __init__(self, locs, level=10, populations=100, variant=3, mutate_percent=0.01, elite_save_percent=0.1):
self.locs = locs
self.level = level
self.variant = variant
self.populations = populations
self.mutates = int(populations * mutate_percent)
self.elite = int(populations * elite_save_percent)
def _find_path(self):
# locs is a list containing all the Location obj
locs_copy = self.locs[:]
path = []
while locs_copy:
to_there = locs_copy.pop(locs_copy.index(rd.choice(locs_copy)))
return path
def _init_routes(self):
routes = []
for _ in range(self.populations):
path = self._find_path()
return routes
def _get_next_route(self, routes):
routes.sort(key=lambda x: x.length, reverse=False)
elites = routes[:self.elite][:]
crossovers = self._crossover(elites)
return crossovers[:] + elites
def _crossover(self, elites):
# Route is a class type
normal_breeds = []
mutate_ones = []
for _ in range(self.populations - self.mutates):
father, mother = rd.sample(elites[:4], k=2)
index_start = rd.randrange(0, len(father.path) - self.variant - 1)
# list of Location obj
father_gene = father.path[index_start: index_start + self.variant]
father_gene_names = [loc.name for loc in father_gene]
mother_gene = [gene for gene in mother.path if gene.name not in father_gene_names]
mother_gene_cut = rd.randrange(1, len(mother_gene))
# create new route path
next_route_path = mother_gene[:mother_gene_cut] + father_gene + mother_gene[mother_gene_cut:]
next_route = Route(next_route_path)
# add Route obj to normal_breeds
# for mutate purpose
copy_father = copy.deepcopy(father)
idx = range(len(copy_father.path))
# gene1, gene2 = rd.shuffle(idx)
gene1, gene2 = rd.sample(idx, 2)
copy_father.path[gene1], copy_father.path[gene2] = copy_father.path[gene2], copy_father.path[gene1]
mutate_breeds = rd.sample(mutate_ones, k=self.mutates)
return normal_breeds + mutate_breeds
def evolution(self):
routes = self._init_routes()
for _ in range(self.level):
routes = self._get_next_route(routes)
routes.sort(key=lambda x: x.length)
return routes[0].path, routes[0].length
if __name__ == '__main__':
# obj = GeneticAlgo()
locations = []
xs = [8, 50, 18, 35, 90, 40, 84, 74, 34, 40, 60, 74]
ys = [3, 62, 0, 25, 89, 71, 7, 29, 45, 65, 69, 47]
cities = ['Z', 'P', 'A', 'K', 'O', 'Y', 'N', 'X', 'G', 'Q', 'S', 'J']
for x, y, name in zip(xs, ys, cities):
locations.append(Location(name, x, y))
my_locs= locations
Active Cooler/Warner system with thermoelectric cooler
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